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Type: Residential Status: SOLD
3121 Route 153 List: $224,900
Pawlet, VT05775 Bed: 3
Multi-Family - No Bath: 1
ID# 4998416 Acres: 0.71
Sq. Ft. : 1125

Charming, well kept home in the quaint village of West Pawlet. Features include a loving updated kitchen with an island and a beautiful dining area, a cozy living room and laundry on the first floor. There are 3 bedrooms with the possibility of a fourth. The lovely, manicured yard is partially fenced with multiple flower gardens and a lovely firepit area. There is plenty of room for parking or the possibility of a garage. This home is being sold completely furnished with the seller only taking a few personal items! Motivated seller! SOLD/CLOSED 7/19/2024

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