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Type: Residential Status: Active
39 West Street List: $199,900
Whitehall, NY12887 Bed: 3
Multi-Family - No Bath: 2
ID# 202420849 Acres: 0.31
Sq. Ft. : 1452

TWO HOMES FOR ONE PRICE!! The main house features a country kitchen with dining area, nice living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths one on each floor, and a laundry room. The rental house has a nice kitchen and living room, one bath and one bedroom. This is currently rented through HUD for $750 per month with a year lease. Details are describing the main house.

Vinyl Siding, Oil, Warm Air, Stone Drive, Refrigerator, Stove, Country Kitchen, Laminate, Composition Shingle, Public Water, Public, Cable, High Speed Internet
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